(If you don’t find the answer to your question below, please feel free to contact us directly from web-page: — http://smallcrop.net/e-mail-us-securely — (…And you might actually want to read that entire web-page first, as it happens to contain quite a few ADDITIONAL relevant facts for you, as well…)

ANSWER: — By going to ANY ONE OF the following Web-pages and then following any one of the current “Join-Us” links they contain:
(1) — https://smallcrop.app
(2) — https://smallcrop.tv
(3) — https://news.ranchcoin.info/21

ANSWER: — Yes, certainly! Should you wish to offer online ITEMS to future e-commerce shoppers / buyers WITHIN THE RAPIDLY GROWING INNER “REALM” OF our current and upcoming Private (PMA) Online Membership, you are always welcome to upgrade to our “Annual”-level, local e-commerce enabling online option, which then also entitles you to referring future co-members of all user levels — at a “50% permanent commission” income consistently refund-flowing back to yourself and your homestead, unlimitedly into the future — by successfully direct-submitting (via any currently online-usable personal or corporate debit-card) a 40-dollar Annual PMA-Membership level UPGRADE fee, directly from item-page URL: — https://smallcrop.tv/choose-a-plan . (We thank you for your valuable patronage of our innovative efforts-sharing concept, and wish you online success with the many “outside-the-box,” Original-Liberty returning opportunities it will soon palpably result in!)

ANSWER: — PayPal, $CashApp, SquarePay, GPay, ApplePay, ANY “DEBIT CARD” or “CREDIT CARD”, as well as “IN-PERSON” payment methods like “C.O.D. (Cash-On-Delivery)” and PURE-SILVER-backed, value-for-value “BARTER” exchange methods currently acceptable to any of our Private Members / PMA Associates — per corresponding pre-existent PRIVATE-MEMBERSHIP LAWFUL CONTRACT, etc., etc.

ANSWER: — You guessed it, WE ARE a competently contract-covered “Private Membership Asociation (PMA)” ! … And luckily for all of us ALREADY lawfully privately contracting with each-other at SmallCropPMA, — members of a Private Membership Association (PMA) have the right to private contract under the due-process Liberty Clause of the 5th and 14th Amendments, and states may not pass laws that impair the obligation of a contract. (Under the 1st, 5th and 14th amendments, we are granted due process.) Our freedoms include the right of self-determination, home schooling, choice of suppliers of products and/or services, choice of lifestyle, food, drink and any right or freedom (that “does not infringe on the rights and freedoms of others or is a threat”). In a Private Membership Association (PMA), the members have all the rights and privileges not specifically banned by the association. Certain implicit rights, such as association, privacy, and presumed innocence, share Constitutional protection in common with explicit guarantees such as free speech. Specifically, the Supreme Court has described the right to associate as inseparable from the right to free speech. (The right of association under the Constitution was heavily litigated in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and members’ rights were consistently upheld by the Court. In fact, the right of association became a cornerstone of the civil rights movement.) In general, members of a private membership association do not fall under the jurisdiction of local, state, and federal governments and corresponding laws and regulations (EXCEPT if the activities of the private membership associates have been found (by a Jury of their Peers) to “present a clear and present danger of substantive evil” — which, in our Private-Contract’s case among each-other, is not even remotely “likely to occur”).

ANSWER: — Before you “transact” with us online, please attentively review the following detailed LAWFUL E-COMMERCE NOTICE (RE: “MERCHANTABILITY”): —

Our private online-membership, applied e-commerce concept operates on our jointly, mutually and lawfully pre-endorsed mutual contract understanding that absolutely EVERY individual attempting to “engage in direct, online e-commerce” with us (at “SmallCrop PMA”) IS MOST DEFINITELY AT LEAST A BASIC, CURRENT, ELECTRONICALLY-ENDORSED LAWFUL CONTRACT MEMBER of our jointly and mutually held “SmallCrop PMA.” (Therefore, any online-exhibited items which you might purchase from our web-pages happen to come with an inherently self-contained (and automatically pre-extended to you) preliminary offer of “FREE ADD-ON” of minimum-requisite PMA MEMBERSHIP. To successfully ACCEPT our private-membership offer, one must, in addition, explicitly return (to our Memberships-Desk e-mail address) a subsequently “initials”-endorsed, CONTRACT-ACCEPTANCE form, the link to which will be specifically e-mailed to you immediately following your first online shopping-cart order from us.)

ANSWER: — Currently, one very informative page containing the ENTIRE text of the public-access Newsletter happens to be: — https://news.ranchcoin.info/21

ANSWER: — SmallCrop is a Web-based (e-commerce), “Localism”-trend portal platform assisting small-scale Biodynamic®, IBD-certified, Certified-ORGANIC, organic-method and transitional food-crop growers, organic-method backyard gardeners, small-farm chefs, local food artisans, agri-tourism/eco-travel concept founders and “heritage”-preservation enthusiasts to expand their “direct-to-consumer,” modern supply-chain reach, via FREE-of-charge (NO-charge) online crops allocation, advance pre-payment, booking and local delivery transactions — directly between each individual “producer” and its online “buyer.” We at “SmallCrop Ranchers Of America” SOLELY AND ORIGINALLY FOUNDED AND DEVELOPED both “RanchCoinAPP” and its work-prototype PREDECESSORS — “SmallCropNET” (1996 to date), “SmallCropAPP” (2017 to date), and later, concurrently, also — “FreeWashingtonAPP” (2021-2022), “SkagitSilverAPP,” “SkagitSeedORG” and “RanchCoinINFO” (2021 to date).

From Cinema "Forbidden Vegetables"...

A Life-Saving Patch Invention

... Proven to elevate the body's levels of GHK-cU copper peptide...

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First Interview w/ Schmidt

RE: Oxytocin-elevation bio-methods and recent cellular regeneration invention (after "studying light-frequencies" effect on "extending life")...

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Second Interview w/ Schmidt

"Shedding" side effects and how they can be "reversed NATURALLY"....

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Harmful-EMFs Protection

Drs. Klinghardt and Mercola discuss EMF protection methods and devices...

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Ways To Protect Oneself...

Dr. Ben Marble discusses "shedding" and "protecting oneself from it"...

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ERA’S BIO: Era is a “Nature-projects” applied, Multilingual-Systems Design Architect and a WSU-certified Extended-Season (Greenhouses)[...Click HERE to CONTINUE READING...]

Protected: — 5/3/23 — Today’s CONVERSATION

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Protected: — 6/4/23 — Today’s CONVERSATION (Video Post)

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Protected: — 7/6/23 — Today’s CONVERSATION (Gallery)

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